28 June 2024
BUCKSPORT — The Bucksport Middle School Outdoor Club had a wildly successful inaugural year. The club, led by grade 8 social studies teacher Miles Bisher,, welcomed over 40 different students to various outings and activities throughout the school year.
In October, the club led BMS in the “Life Happens Outside Challenge”, sponsored by Teens to Trails which encouraged students and staff to spend as much time as possible outside over a week. BMS was one of the top three schools in Maine, logging an astonishing 286,741 minutes outside (equivalent to 199 days), which earned the school $1,000 to revive the BMS climbing wall.
The club sponsored several hikes throughout the year, and several students went sledding and cross country skiing in the winter. In the spring, 12 students went sea kayaking in Castine, and eight students went on an overnight camping trip to Owls Head where they witnessed the aurora borealis, hiked, and completed a community service project.
The physical and mental health benefits for students who spend extended time outside have been significant. Students self-reported better sleep, improved confidence, increased happiness, and greater motivation.
A sixth grader summed it up best, “Being outside makes me feel like a better person on the inside.”
Bisher is already looking forward to more adventures next school year.