Darling’s EV lab at UTC – training tomorrow’s automotive technicians in today’s EV environment

29 May 2024


In 2003, as a high school junior, I joined the automotive program at United Technologies Center (UTC). I knew nothing about car repair but was motivated to fix
my own clunker. Thanks to an amazing instructor, I rebuilt my car’s engine by the end of the school year, solidifying my passion for the auto industry. At the same time my incredible instructor arranged for me to Job-shadow at Darling’s Ford VW Audi. After meeting the friendly crew at Darling’s, I knew I wanted to join the team. For many years I thrived as a VW/Audi Team Service Manager at Darling’s, while at the same time
always wanting to find a way to give back to my school.

Now, in a new role at Darling’s, I recruit and develop talent. Faced with the complexity of modern vehicle
repairs, I wanted to find a way to expose students to new technology at the high school level. After much
research, I discovered the Switch EV Lab. Their street-legal 96v electric vehicle kit, complete with curriculum,
became the perfect tool. To make a positive change, and to keep up with the ever-evolving world of electric
vehicle (EV) technology, Darling’s leadership team saw the value and donated the Switch EV kit to UTC, a school known for its innovation and forward-thinking.

Darling’s didn’t stop with the Switch EV kit. To bring the program to life, Ben Schaller, a skilled Ford Master Technician at Darling’s Ford, an EV enthusiast, and a
proud UTC Alumni, attended an intensive seven-day training program at the Switch EV headquarters in California. Ben learned about the vehicle and how to guide a group of students through the process. Together with UTC EV Technologies Instructor,
Ron Canarr, Ben played a key role in successfully launching the after-school program at the newly outfitted Darling’s EV Lab. Under Ben and Ron’s guidance, six students worked together four days a week for two hours after school to complete the Switch EV build in five weeks. They learned about steering, suspension, brakes, and electricity, emphasizing troubleshooting and teamwork.

In the end… students drove laps around the school in the fully assembled Switch during the celebration night! UTC plans a full curriculum around the Switch EV kit
for 2024/2025, with enthusiastic student interest. I’m excited to nurture Darling’s relationship with UTC offering job-shadowing and employment opportunities for future talents, just like the opportunities I had years ago.

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