Letter: Every place is someone’s backyard

7 June 2024

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Belfast Sen. Chip Curry seems to be encountering hostility regarding his support for Sears Island port development, the associated economic and social benefits that could accrue to the economically depressed community, and the step it would represent in addressing the growing climate imperative. Why? Here’s why: Humans did not evolve with a global perspective, they evolved with a village-sized perspective. Consequently most of us are emotionally unequipped to respond to problems facing the entire planet.

We need leadership to put in perspective the trade-offs we face in salvaging our world, not just our backyard. Every place is someone’s backyard, but in the case of global warming everyone’s backyard will be toast if we can’t unify and pursue priorities. Principled leadership is a rare commodity these days, and it seems to me Curry’s district is extremely fortunate to have him as a candidate.

Cynthia Stancioff


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