Letter: Expand access to hearing aids

7 June 2024

Letters submitted by BDN readers are verified by BDN Opinion Page staff. Send your letters to [email protected]

I agree with Mary C. White when she wrote in her recent column that appeared in the BDN, “Expanded access to hearing aids could therefore do no less than enable more older Americans to establish and maintain the social connections that are essential to a meaningful life.” There are many that know at least one person who is affected by not having adequate Medicare coverage to get hearing aids. Without this those living with hearing loss could have a reduced quality of life since it is an obstacle for them. Unable to understand what others might be saying and put in a situation where they miss out on conversation with loved ones.

There needs to be a greater investment in ensuring that those who have Medicare and are suffering from hearing loss get the assistance they require. This will afford them the opportunity once again to hear, giving them back some of those important moments with others. There could also be many other benefits to consider. It could definitely help those with hearing loss overcome some of the day-to-day obstacles as well.

Whether you think there needs to be changes to Medicare or not, I think that many can agree that those who help cover the cost of hearing aids should get it. Without this, it has an effect on their lives in a variety of ways.

Ben Bucklin

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