22 May 2024
Letters submitted by BDN readers are verified by BDN Opinion Page staff. Send your letters to [email protected]
While I was initially upset seeing that LD 1215, An Act to End the Sale of Flavored Tobacco, was not picked up by our leaders in Augusta, I feel that we shouldn’t give up.
With the numerous issues swirling around Augusta this past session, I can’t help but feel that the waters were hopelessly muddied. I think that we need to use this time to collect ourselves and come back to Augusta with a united front. Sometimes, with bills like this, it’s all in the timing. And while the timing this spring was unfortunate — we can’t let that divide us. We need to rejoin with our representatives and make sure the work gets done.
Maine is on the cusp of great change. Don’t let setbacks, or bad timing be the end of something good. Stopping the sale of flavored tobacco is something we need to do in our state. We need to do it for our kids and communities. And we can — we can get it right this time.
Heather Smith