Letter: I’m feeling fearful after the Biden-Trump debate

2 July 2024

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Thursday night I stayed up to watch the debate and am shocked at what I saw. Instead of an interaction between two statesmen, what I witnessed was an embarrassment. What can the rest of the world think? Is the best this country can offer as our leaders?

Joe Biden came out looking weary and could hardly get his sentences out without mumbling. He had good things to say, but his voice was weak and so tired. I felt bad for him.

What I wanted was a cheerleader to be a dynamic leader and inspire us. Donald Trump came across as a schoolyard bully, refusing to answer any of the questions, but instead, just attacking with no coherent thoughts, just insults and lies. The moderators were unable to make him respond to their questions.

We can listen to our leaders in Washington, and hear clear coherent statements from members of both major parties. How is it possible that these two have risen to the top and now be the choice of who we want to lead us? Certainly there are more qualified candidates out there who could steer this ship of state. We appear rudderless. I am fearful.

Al Larson


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