Letter: Reelect Peter Lyford to Maine Senate

6 June 2024

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I’m writing to urge voters in Senate District 10 to reelect Peter Lyford on June 11 in the Republican primary. Lyford is a hardworking public servant who is truly dedicated to serving his community and protecting Maine’s working lands heritage.

In my eight years in the Maine House of Representatives and my six years in the state Senate, I have been a member of the Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Committee. Outside of the Legislature, I am a logger and a farmer. I know these fields inside and out. These industries are incredibly important to my district and the entire state of Maine. Lyford understands the importance and intricacies of these industries. Lyford understands Maine’s outdoor heritage because he has lived it. Whether hunting, fishing, trapping or beekeeping, he loves the great Maine outdoors and the Maine way of life.

Throughout my legislative service I have met lawmakers who are friends and enemies of agriculture and forestry. Lyford is clearly a friend. While some legislators try to create additional burdens and regulations on these industries, Lyford fights to provide help where needed and get the government out of the way. I believe this is the best way to ensure the success of future farmers, loggers and other professionals.

I have a message for voters in Bradley, Brewer, Bucksport, Carmel, Clifton, Dedham, Eddington, Hampden, Holden, Newburgh, Orrington and Otis voting in the June 11 Republican primary: Vote for Peter Lyford as your state senator. You truly could not find a better advocate to represent you in Augusta.

Russell Black


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