29 May 2024
Letters submitted by BDN readers are verified by BDN Opinion Page staff. Send your letters to [email protected]
I am writing this letter to express my strong support for the reelection of state Sen. Peter Lyford in the primary election on June 11.
I have served in the Legislature with Lyford since 2014, first in the House and now the Senate. As a veteran myself, I am very passionate about the care and benefits we provide to those who fought to protect our freedoms. In our nearly 10 years working together, I have found Lyford to be a fierce ally and advocate for our state’s veterans.
We have been in lock step when it comes to these issues. Last year, he worked tirelessly to guarantee an extra $8.5 million in funding for Maine Veterans’ Homes (LD 985), helping ensure no more facilities would be forced to close their doors. This year, he joined the fight to protect veterans and their families obtain the benefits they earned by preventing predatory service agencies from taking advantage of them and charging exorbitant rates to navigate the federal bureaucracy (LD 2259). Lyford also worked to increase the property tax exemption that our veterans receive (LD 1737). Unfortunately, the proposal did not get signed by the governor.
I know that, given the opportunity, Lyford will continue his fight for our servicemen and women should he be reelected. I strongly urge Republicans to vote for Peter Lyford on or before the June 11 primary.
Sen. Brad Farrin