29 May 2024
ORONO — Student affairs professionals from colleges nationwide will be in Orono June 4-5 for the annual Hazing Prevention Consortium Summit at the University of Maine’s Buchanan Alumni House.
UMaine Professor of Higher Education Elizabeth Allan is a leading researcher on hazing and its prevention and the founder of StopHazing, which works to promote safe and inclusive schools, campuses and organizations that are free from hazing. Since 2013, nearly 40 postsecondary institutions have participated in the organization’s HPC initiative, a multi-year research-to-practice program to help colleges and universities plan, develop and implement data-informed, campus-wide hazing prevention strategies. The annual summit is an opportunity for representatives from current consortium institutions to learn and network to strengthen their shared work and build more sustainable approaches to campus hazing prevention. The HPC is the only program of its kind in the nation and contributes to building the evidence base for effective campus-wide hazing prevention.
Attendees at this year’s summit include representatives from the University of Missouri, Tarleton State University, the University of California Santa Barbara, the University of California San Diego, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Washington & Lee University, Princeton University, Virginia Commonwealth University, Arizona State University, Harvard University, Indiana University, Rhodes College, the University of Mississippi, Southern Methodist University, New Mexico State University, University of San Diego, William & Mary, Cornell University and Brown University. All guests will stay at Hotel Ursa, the new independent hotel located on the UMaine campus.
In addition to workshops, new resources and presentations on the latest hazing prevention research as well as novel strategies for prevention, UMaine President Joan Ferrini-Mundy and College of Education and Human Development Associate Dean for Undergraduate and Teacher Education Ezekiel Kimball will deliver remarks on the first day of the summit.